Hey, great to have you here.

My Name is Rufus Oelkers.

I am a Software engineer.


  • 🏯 Software Architecture
  • React.js
  • Postgresql
  • Typescript
  • Sass
  • Docker
  • MongoDB
  • node.js


About Me

I'm a Fullstack Web Developer from Berlin, Germany. I have a passion for Javascript and React. My current job is shaping the IoT world @ConradConnect

My projects:

Gatsby Portfolio    

This portfolio and the blog. Handmade with Gatsby, GraphQL and Strapi, a headless CMS. Deployed via Netlify

Sample Touch Instrument    live!

Live instrument app, that can store and play samples via an intuitive touch interface. Made with Rx.js and Firebase.

CQRS Shopping List    

A simple shopping list, with a Domain Driven Design Twist and a tad of optimistic concurrency control. Built with Material UI and Typescript.


CQRS Projection with SQL

Heading -------------- ```typescript function() { const hello = 1 const yeah = 5 } ``` ```sql SELECT * FROM hello WHERE abc=1 AND i=0 LIMIT 1000;